DNA Test program

집 모양 사진 DNA Test program DNA Testing process

DNA Testing process

  • The adoptee verifies their adoption background by making an "Adoption Disclosure Request" to an adoption agency or the NCRC
  • The adoptee applies for the DNA testing system through a diplomatic mission abroad to the NCRC and receives a "confirmation of their status as an adoptee of unknown descent"
  • The NCRC requests support for DNA testing of the adoptee to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Embassy Abroad)
  • The diplomatic mission abroad contacts the adoptee to confirm the appointment for the DNA test
  • The adoptee must bring the necessary documents when going to the diplomatic mission abroad to be able to take a DNA sample, which will be sent along with the documents to the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the National Korean Police.
  • After receiving the DNA samples and the necessary documents, the National Korean Police requests the analysis of the DNA sample at the National Forensic Medicine Service through the NCRC
  • If a DNA match is found, the National Korean Police will make a new sample request to the diplomatic mission abroad for a second confirmation. The diplomatic mission abroad will be responsible for conducting this DNA test.
  • When the National Forensic Medicine Service receives a final "positive" result, the National Korean Police will forward the test results to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the adoptee and then a meeting procedure can be engaged.

※ Even if there is no match at the time, the DNA samples are kept and will keep being compared; if there is a match found later on, contact will be made with the adoptee for further instructions.